Polyphasic identification methods applied in searching for microorganisms with industrial potential
: Pathogenic microorganisms, Antarctic microorganisms, molecular identification, 16S, bioprospectingAbstract
Background: The bioprospection of metabolites of anthropogenic interests employs methods of collecting microorganisms in extremophile or endemic ecosystems. The microbiota isolated in these places may or may not include pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, an interdisciplinary approach is essential to address the search of the species of interest while the good health of the researchers is preserved. Objective: To identify in molecular, biochemical and morphologically ways some human pathogenic microorganisms in cellulolytic strains of industrial importance stored in the strain bank of the Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Central University of Ecuador, from Yasuní, Antarctic and Balzapamba. Methods: IA bioprospecting study of cellulolytic bacteria was performed using environmental microbiology techniques. Morphological characteristics were assessed by Gram staining. In addition, biochemical tests and antibiograms were performed for Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The molecular tests used extraction of bacterial ADN for 16S gene Sanger sequencing. Results: The species Klebsiella pneumoniae (Y2 and Y3r) and Nocardia asteroides (Y1 and Y3p) were found in samples of lignocellulosic material collected in Yasuni, while the isolated species in Antarctica and Balzapamba correspond to Bacillus subtillis. Conclusions: Strains belonging to different bacterial genera were identified. The bacteria of the genus Klebsiella from the samples collected in Yasuní could have a potential pathogen. This can be corroborated with genotyping techniques. Therefore, there could be a risk to humans who perform bioprospecting in that ecosystem and biosecurity measures should be taken.
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- 2020-11-18 (2)
- 2019-11-06 (1)
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Copyright (c) 2020 Carmen Salvador Pinos, FNicolás Herrera Naranjo, Stephanie Michelena Tupiza, Humberto González Gavilanez, Miguel Gualoto Oñate, Erenio González Suárez, Leyanis Mesa Garriga, Maira Rojas Carrillo
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