Breast biomarkers in metastatic processes in Ecuadorian women


  • Daysi A Morales1
  • Inés C Echeverría



Metastatic breast cancer, carcinoembryonic antigen, cancer antigen 15-3


Background: CA 15-3 and CEA tumor markers are metastasis predictors in breast cancer; however, criteria of the advantages in determining them in an individual or joint way are still not consensual. Objective: To evaluate the association of CA 15-3 and CEA tumor markers, in individual or joint way, in Ecuadorian patients diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Methods: A prevalence study was carried out, based on the information obtained from the medical records of 90 women with breast cancer. The markers CA 15-3, CEA were identified individually and together (CA 15-3 - CEA) and the association between the presence or absence of metastasis was established by using Fisher's exact test and Cohen's Kappa index. In addition, the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of each tumor marker as individual element and as a whole were determined Results: The prevalence of invasive ductal carcinoma in locally advanced stages from IIB to IIIC was 77.8%. The bone and lung system were frequent sites of cancer spread. There was a statistically significant relation (p<0.05) between the individual or whole biomarkers values and the presence of metastatic processes, being CA 15-3 and CA 15-3-CEA the ones with the highest concordance. CA 15-3 presented 55% sensitivity and 91% specificity. CEA presented 30% sensitivity and 96% specificity. As a whole, those have 40% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Conclusions: A higher tumor burden and metastatic development correlate with CA15-3-CEA biomarker positivity as a set, reinforcing the clinical benefit of evaluating both biomarkers simultaneously.


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Author Biographies

Daysi A Morales1

Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Central del Ecuador.

Inés C Echeverría

Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Central del Ecuador.


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2019-12-11 — Updated on 2020-11-18


How to Cite

Morales1 DA, Echeverría IC. Breast biomarkers in metastatic processes in Ecuadorian women. Rev Fac Cien Med (Quito) [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 18 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];44(2):24-33. Available from: