Hyponatremia and traumatic brain injury, an important association. Case report


  • Jeremy Flores-Mora Hospital General del Sur de Quito, IESS, Quito, Ecuador
  • Miguel Jacob Ochoa-Andrade Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Mikaela Jurado-Juna Hospital General del Sur de Quito, IESS, Quito, Ecuador
  • Renata Segovia-Laura Hospital General del Sur de Quito, IESS, Quito, Ecuador
  • Joseph Guerrero-González Hospital General del Sur de Quito, IESS, Quito, Ecuador




hyponatremia, brain injuries, traumatic, clinical diagnosis, case report


Introduction: Hyponatremia is found to be associated with approximately 10% of patients with traumatic brain injury. Despite its low frequency, the clinical intuition regarding this relationship underscores its significance in this case report.

Objective: Describe the association between hyponatremia and traumatic brain injury, aiming to enhance healthcare professionals' understanding of this correlation and to advocate for the implementation of more effective diagnostic and management strategies based on updated biochemical and anatomical predictions.

Case Presentation: A young adult male patient with a history of two traumatic brain injuries, severe serum hyponatremia, and persistent symptoms of dizziness and headache, treated with loop diuretics and oral sodium chloride, exhibited improvement after twenty days of hospitalization.

Discussion: Certain neurological alterations with evident clinical manifestation are characterized by low levels of serum sodium, possibly stemming from distinct anatomical and physiological causes. A causal relationship with a poorly described pathophysiological mechanism between hyponatremia and traumatic brain injury has been suggested.

Conclusion: Meticulous monitoring is imperative for patients with severe hyponatremia, even when clinical symptoms are minimal, as observed in this case. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the need to investigate metabolic pathways that may be affected by traumatic brain injuries, potentially exerting a direct impact on blood sodium levels.


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How to Cite

Flores-Mora J, Ochoa-Andrade MJ, Jurado-Juna M, Segovia-Laura R, Guerrero-González J. Hyponatremia and traumatic brain injury, an important association. Case report. Rev Fac Cien Med (Quito) [Internet]. 2024 May 27 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];49(2):59-64. Available from: https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CIENCIAS_MEDICAS/article/view/6682

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