Crítica a la modernidad capitalista a través del filosofar de Bolívar Echeverría

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Eduardo Solano Vázquez


The article adheres to critical thinking regarding existing modernity,
therefore, it was necessary to turn to the perspective of Bolívar Echeverría, she
emphasizes the urgency and need to transform the existing order, and thus,
safeguard the world of life. On the other hand, it was decided to construct a
synthetic discourse, with the risk of incurring trifles, however, the article does not
lose the core of reflection as it insists on the relevance of contradicting the
discourse that endorses and celebrates the existing order, and thus, be able to
make room for alternatives. Now, critical and alternative thinking seeks the
transformation of order, hence it is necessary not to confuse it with performance,
which is satisfied only with disconcerting the current social order for a moment, and
then continuing immersed in routine. In this sense, performance is valid as a
means, but not as an end.


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How to Cite
Solano Vázquez, E. (2024). Crítica a la modernidad capitalista a través del filosofar de Bolívar Echeverría. Textos Y Contextos, 1(28).


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