Chronicle of a servile journalism

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Dax Toscano Segovia


The purpose of this paper is to show the positioning of the Colombian private media in defense of the political power groups of the country, within the framework of the peace dialogues that take place in Havana Cuba, as well as the role they play. the journalists who work in these media to favor a regime that does not have the clear purpose of solving the fundamental problems of the Colombian people, in order to achieve peace with social justice, to put an end to the conflict that Colombia is experiencing for more than fifty years old


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How to Cite
Toscano Segovia, D. (2014). Chronicle of a servile journalism. Textos Y Contextos, (15), 43–49.
Investigación original
Author Biography

Dax Toscano Segovia, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Docente de la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Magíster en Educación Superior. Posgradista en el Instituto Internacional de Periodismo José Martí (Cuba).