Writing in what absent

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Freddy Ayala Plazarte


While one acquires a consciousness of the world, a strong and undeniable becomes the fact of thinking about what is absent. Remember what seems dead and have also died in the thought that was not done orally, writing or phoneme; if perhaps the activity of the thought is dynamic, or another form, perhaps, of noise, in our interiority, which is manifested by the same lack of silence.


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How to Cite
Ayala Plazarte, F. (2014). Writing in what absent. Textos Y Contextos, (15), 98–101. https://doi.org/10.29166/tyc.vi15.746
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Author Biography

Freddy Ayala Plazarte

Docente de la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Magíster en Estudios de la Cultura por la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Ha `publicado diversos ensayos y poemarios, que le han valido reconocimientos como el Segundo Premio en la Bienal Nacional de Poesía (2011).

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