La participación ciudadana en el nuevo ordenamiento jurídico del Ecuador


  • Lenin Reyes Merizalde


Citizen participation, Democracy, Constitution, Organization of power, Rights, Economic power


Citizen partícipation is a new political and sociological category incorporated into the legal system of current Ecuador following the adoption of the new Constitution of the Republic in October 2008.

lncorporation responds to the need for a new power structure and the exístence of a new correlation of forces that has generated many new processes, in which the people have assumed a greater leadership role, demanding greater respect for their rights, incorporaling other rights, wanting lo be a counterweight to the weights that have dominated power, claiming a new world order.

To this we now call citizen participalion, polítical and social rights in the new Constilution raised a fact which marks the beginning of a new era in Ecuador.

The validity of these new legal and constitutional rules does not depend on what authorities have met, but that the cítizens themselves, the people, conquered enforce this right, taking from theory to practica. This requires that knows hlm and his enormous signifícance, far not knowíng the existence of rights is like not having them.


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How to Cite

Reyes Merizalde, L. (2024). La participación ciudadana en el nuevo ordenamiento jurídico del Ecuador. Revista Ciencias Sociales, (37), 24–29. Retrieved from


