Los derechos de libertad de las ciudadanas y ciudadanos en el derecho constitucional


  • Merck Benavides


Citizens rights, freedom, consciousness, identity


Constilutional rlghts of freedom are those that are enshrined in the legal system of the state and that are llnked particularly to life, íntegrity, equality, prívacy, ownership, identity and work; fundamental rights inherent to human dignity that are guarante1ad by constitutíonal law and internalional treaties.

Freedom is strictly relatad to the objective and in no way subjectivism staff awareness; behold, the need for the emergen ce of the law that defines the freedom of ah individual with that of other fellow citizens.

Freedom rights are innate in the :human belng, that is why all the laws of the world must recognize and respect especiallly, in order lo achieve that all members are aware of lhe social conglomerate, that the rights of each individual ends when the anolher one begins; so I dare say: "The man who does respect their ríghts, even overcoming the constraints, is virtuous and therefore is on the road to perfection."


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How to Cite

Benavides, M. . (2024). Los derechos de libertad de las ciudadanas y ciudadanos en el derecho constitucional. Revista Ciencias Sociales, (37), 30–39. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CSOCIALES/article/view/6417


