El régimen jurídico de la marca


  • Ana Abril Olivo


Brand, Star, Author, intangible asset, territoriality


Toe brand has become a concept of management which are consequences that must be legally framed. An essential aspect is the distlnction between the brand and the company, which has to take into account that over and over can be separated for purposes of disposal.

It is necessary to analyze, what is the brand? The Analysis was to set in i ) The legal relationship between a person and his creation is a visible product, il ) The right of an intangible asset not to be confused with the product but does include the author's work to be presented in a pleasant manner , iii ) Signs that serve as a distinctive feature and are a brand.

Finally, the reference is to the evolution that has also touched the mark, which in the past was minimizad, but now has reached the sama respect and that any decision to protect other kinds of intellectual property.


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Fernández Novoa, Carlos. (2001 ). Tratado sobre Derecho de Marcas. Madrid: Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales.

Morales Alvarez, Jorge. (1995). Teoría General de las Obligaciones. cuenca: Edit. Universidad de Cuenca, Facultad de Jurisprudencia.

Parraguez Ruiz, Luis. (1986). Generalidades sobre las obligaciones y su teoría. Quito: Impreso por Gráficas Mediavilla.



How to Cite

Abril Olivo, A. (2024). El régimen jurídico de la marca. Revista Ciencias Sociales, (37), 158–163. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CSOCIALES/article/view/6433


