Web System For The Dynamization Of ID Management In Government Entities Based On SCRUM
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This document describes the development of a web system for the efficient management of National Identity Documents (DNI) in government entities. Our system focuses on providing effective control over DNI applications, covering the three existing modalities: issuance for the first time, duplicate and renewal. These can be done both in person and virtually. In addition, the system allows you to schedule appointments for any type of procedure and provide the citizen with the status of said procedure through the virtual platform.
The development of the system was carried out in three stages: Process Evaluation, Project Design and Planning, and Project Development and Validation. This was achieved by working based on the SCRUM methodology that allows improving project planning and design, thanks to its adaptability and flexibility.
In addition, the results of the economic indicators for this project were included in order to know the economic viability and verify whether its implementation is beneficial.
Performance tests were also carried out using various technological tools such as Apache, JMeter for load and stress tests, obtaining the results that the system accepts an average of 750 concurrent users. These tests ensured a robust, efficient system that provides a reliable and satisfactory user experience.
The system proposes a comprehensive solution to enrich the user experience, including both employees and citizens. This system accelerates the process of handling identity documents and helps to significantly reduce waiting time for citizens by completing their procedures virtually, which represents an opportunity to update procedures in government institutions.
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