Manufacturing Technologies and their Influence on Industrial Design

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Patricio Jácome
María Valverde


Patrik Schumacher's Theory of Autopoiesis, developed for Architectural Design can be embodied through the interdisciplinary application of design and various Engineering disciplines: Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Manufacturing. In this essay the objective of extrapolation of this theory is to turn it into the theoretical and conceptual basis that supports the design of products to be manufactured in series at the industrial level. In this way, it is intended to disseminate a parametric product design methodology in Ecuador.

As an element that guides the conceptual design of the product taken as a case study, the three-dimensional infinity symbol has been chosen due to its universal validity for different cultures around the world. Thus, new models of surfaces for structures are proposed, based on canonical surfaces based, for example, on the circle or on the ellipse. Here we present a design and proposal methodology so that it can be adapted to solve the product design of jewels, containers and faucets, for example, or structures such as sculptures, bridges, stadiums and coliseums.


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How to Cite
Jácome, P., & Valverde, M. (2020). Manufacturing Technologies and their Influence on Industrial Design. INGENIO, 3(1), 27–36.
Author Biographies

Patricio Jácome, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática, Carrera de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial

María Valverde, Universidad de Las Américas

Facultad de Arquitectura, Escuela de Diseño de Producto


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