Fluviomorphological Study of the Napo River for the Protection of its Banks, Case of Pañacocha Parish and its Jetties
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Through hydrological and hydraulic-bathymetric studies, the causes that produce the erosion of the banks of the Napo River - Ecuador, in the town of Pañacocha and its jetties, were determined. This problem occurs due to the waves produced by the passage of boats at high speeds, sudden floods, floating material and "transversal flows". As a solution, the construction of works such as sidewalls, pilings, breakwaters was analyzed, but due to their high costs and little effectiveness observed in other sections of the river, they were discarded. This research determined that a good way to protect this section is through the use of native plants of the sector such as Zygia Longifolia (Chiparo), whose roots, being abundant and long, form a true screen of protection against erosion, as evidenced with plants that are planted year after year. This research was carried out with the financial support of ARES from the Belgian Government.
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