Determinación de la eficiencia de un producto fijador para la protección de tintas ferrogálicas





Inks, ink fixer, , polystyrene,, dioctyl phthalate, orange oil.


The objective of this publication is to disseminate the results of the formulation and evaluation of an alternative fixer of iron-gall inks developed in the Historical Area of the Central University of Ecuador, which is used to protect the content of patrimonial documents. Polystyrene, di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DOP) and orange oil were used as components, thereby avoiding the use of aromatic solvents. To evaluate it, the iron content was quantified by atomic absorption, present in the residual water of the treatment that regulates the pH of a document, as a result, iron contents were not found in the documents in which the fixer was applied. The effect of the fixer on the documents was also analyzed considering a before and after use of the fixer, a survey administered to 20 conservation experts, in which parameters such as the color and intensity of the documents, presence of brightness and foreign substances, concluded that 82% of the respondents did not observe changes in color and intensity, 83% affirmed there is no shine when applying the fixer, and finally 77% determined a reduction in the presence of spots.


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How to Cite

VIZCAÍNO, A., YANEZ, T., & BONILLA, P. (2018). Determinación de la eficiencia de un producto fijador para la protección de tintas ferrogálicas. Química Central, 6(1), 49–55.