Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of microalgae extracts using ATCC strains
microalgae´s extracts, Kirby Bauer method, zones of inhibition, antibacterial activityAbstract
The presence of multiresistant bacteria is a public health problem worldwide which generates the need to search
therapeutic alternatives of natural origin. The objective of this research was to evaluate the antibacterial activity
of ethanolic, methanolic and hexane extracts of microalgae gender: Chlorella sp., Anabaena sp., Oscillatoria
sp. and Stichococcus sp., collected at the Ecuadorian Antarctic Station Pedro Vicente Maldonado. The extracts
were obtained by the Soxhlet extraction technique. The antibacterial activity was first evaluated with the agar dilution
method, and it was identified that from the 12 extracts evaluated, the methanolic extracts of the microalgae
Oscillatoria sp. and Stichococcus sp. presented inhibitory activity against the bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus
ATCC 25923, whereas no extract presented activity against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. With the methanolic
extracts of Oscillatoria sp. and Stichococcus sp. the Kirby Bauer method was developed, obtaining zones
of inhibition that shows greater antibacterial activity by the Oscillatoria sp. extract. When comparing the activity
of the microalgae extracts with the broad spectrum antibiotics trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin,
the conclusion is that these pharmaceutical products cause greater sensitivity. Through phytochemical screening
terpenoids, phenols and alkaloids were identified which could be responsible for antibacterial activityl activity.
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