Electrochemical Study of Self-assembled Monolayer of Cysteamine Functionalized with 6-methyl-2-pirydincarboxaldehyde
Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs), Ciclic Voltammetry (CV), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM)Abstract
This paper presents a systematic study of the Self-Assembled Monolayer (SAM) of Cisteamine (CA) on gold electrodes functionalized with 6-Methyl-2 Pyridinecarboxaldehyde (MPC) in order to quantitate its binding capacity with metal ions in aqueous solution. The electrochemical properties of gold surfaces modified in the presence of a redox mediator were studied with Cyclic Voltamperommetry (CV) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The effect of the analyte (CA, MPC or metal ions) and the buffer solution was also evaluated. The Schiff base formed with MPC can not stabilize in the buffer solution, and it is not posible to use the modified electrode as an impedimetric sensor.
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