Wasted Roast and Ground Coffee as Bioadsorbent to Removal Arsenic (V) in Water


  • Erika Tingo Proaño Central University of Ecuador
  • Ramiro Acosta Central University of Ecuador




Wasted coffee, activation, removal, arsenic (V), well water


Arsenic contamination causes serious problems in human health and drinking water is a major source of exposure. This research presents a tentative solution to the problem of arsenic contamination of water wells in the area of Tumbaco that were closed for the high cost its treatment, and others are used for irrigation water in soccer fields, like is in “Club Deportivo El Nacional”. The study the effect of pH and amount of wasted roast and ground coffee, previously activated, in the adsorption of Arsenic (V) from aqueous solution is described. The optimal values using 100 ml of water 43,21 μg As (V) / L, of pH and dosage of coffee were 4.697 and 1.4067 g respectively at 25°C for a 2 hours period of contact time. Residues of coffee were used to remove Arsenic (V) from well water (“Club Deportivo El Nacional”) showing a removal efficiency of 65.26% and an adsorption capacity of 2 μg Arsenic (V) / g wasted coffee.


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Author Biographies

Erika Tingo Proaño, Central University of Ecuador

Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Quito

Ramiro Acosta, Central University of Ecuador

Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Quito


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How to Cite

Tingo Proaño, E., & Acosta, R. (2011). Wasted Roast and Ground Coffee as Bioadsorbent to Removal Arsenic (V) in Water. Química Central, 2(1), 49–59. https://doi.org/10.29166/quimica.v2i1.571



Contaminación ambiental