Physical-chemical characterization of the land of the Portoviejo dump and analysis of the spatial distribution of chromium (VI), nickel, bromine and iron
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The open dump in the city of Portoviejo is in the technical closure stage and there are domestic and industrial waste. These wastes can generate contamination by the various toxic chemical elements they contain. The objective of this work was to characterize soils through physical and chemical parameters such as pH, humidity, electrical conductivity, Dry Evaporated Residue (RSE), Calcined Dry Residue (RSC), real and apparent density and measure Cr (VI), Ni, Br and Fe for proposing a zoning of possible spread of contaminants, in relation to leaching curves. We proceeded to analyse several sampling techniques, in terms of feasibility and applicability to the study area, so was used methodology proposed by the Ecuadorian Environmental Technical Standard, the Secretariat of the Environment of Mexico and the proposal based on the publication of Research of the Soil Pollution of the Basque Government of Spain, it was decided to use the last one, which resulted in a total of 20 samples in the study area. The physical-chemical characterization of the soil allowed to obtain information about its properties, which served as input for the elaboration of spatial distribution maps, with the purpose of applying algebra of maps, depending on the variation of these properties, for the determination of two zones, where, greater and less vulnerability of pollution was identified in terms of the mobility of these elements. The values shown by the pH and electrical conductivity, determined that they are soils that behave neutrally and slightly alkaline, and significantly saline soils. The percentage of moisture obtained in each of the extracts determined sandy loam soils. As a result, the highest concentration of the measured elements was oriented to the southwest of the dump, and after analysing the relationship between zoning and leaching, it was possible to determine how the mobility of these elements is, where special attention should be paid to the vulnerable zone that presents increasing leaching curves.
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