Scaling of sections from elasticity modules
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The modeling to steel-scale of a 9-floor building which is located in Quito city, under seismic loads on the XY vibration Table III table of the Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Faculty, based on mathematical modeling in ETABS , considers established specifications by the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC) for the design of structural elements and the analysis of results, getting the determination of construction techniques and steel type to be used for the elaboration of scale models that reflect the real behavior of the building. Using the research process for the development of the project, the structural elements of the existing building are identified in architectural plans, for the development of the pre-design of the same and later its scaling to steel using elasticity modules. In addition, when subjected to the same seismic load, both the mathematical model and the scale model, the results are compared to analyze the structural behavior based on current regulations. For the use of the XY Shake Table III vibration table, the earthquake escalation procedure of the ASCE / SEI 10 will be carried out, considered by Dr. Aguiar Falconi, R., & García, H., using seismic events registered by the IG -EPN and earthquakes that could occur in the city of Quito due to the present geological faults and the energy accumulated in the earth's crust.
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