Application of biodegradable non-corrosive acid technology for cleaning oil wells in the eastern basin
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This article demonstrates the effectiveness in the application of new non-corrosive biodegradable acid technology for oil well cleaning. To this end, laboratory tests were carried out on metal coupons with carbonate inlays comparing with conventional acid. From the results obtained it was evidenced that the non-corrosive biodegradable obtained greater elimination of carbonates and less metal corrosion than the other one. Afterwards, a field test is shown on a piece of equipment with corrosion and carbonates, leaving it to soak for a period of 24 hours. As a result, an integral cleaning of the equipment was observed. Additionally, compatibility test was carried out with crude oil from the eastern basin of Ecuador, observing excellent phase separation, good interfacial tension, and little or no adsorption on the walls of the test bottle. Finally, it is shown the results of a production history of a well where the conventional acid treatment was changed for the non-corrosive biodegradable acid. The production history shows that with conventional acid a production drop of 150 bpd was obtained while with the non-corrosive biodegradable product the production drop was 80 bpd. Within the conclusions the use of non-corrosive biodegradable acid eliminates the incrustations present in the oil wells without causing corrosion in the mechanical equipment and its biodegradable property facilitates the operation in the field.
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