Reservoir Model for the Evaluation of Low Salinity Water Injection in the Lower U sandstone of the Paka Norte oilfield, B15

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Sandra Verónica Durán Yazuma
Diego Gabriel Palacios Serrano


The purpose of the present study was to establish if the application of the low salinity water injection (LSW) is effective for the reservoir and fluid conditions of the lower U sandstone in the Paka Norte oilfield of B15. In addition, it was looked for evaluating the profitability that oilfield could generate with this EOR technique. For the development of this project a workflow was considered with the objective of processing and validating the information, building the dynamic model, making the historical adjustment of pressure and production data, generating several forecast cases and their respective economic study. Reservoir model shows that Original Oil in Place was 79 million barrels. The base case pointed out that the oilfield would produce 7.49 million stock tank barrels of oil until 2028 with a recovery factor of 10.56%. Production scenarios indicated that accumulated production could be doubled and a recovery factor of around 20% could be reached. Low salinity cases showed additional recovery factors of 0.5 to 0.6% contrasted with high salinity cases. The economic analysis determined that low salinity water injection had higher NPV and IRR than high salinity water injection.


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How to Cite
Durán Yazuma, S. V., & Palacios Serrano, D. G. (2019). Reservoir Model for the Evaluation of Low Salinity Water Injection in the Lower U sandstone of the Paka Norte oilfield, B15. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 7(1), 53–60.
Author Biography

Diego Gabriel Palacios Serrano, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Teacher Central University of Ecuador


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