Influence of additives (polymers and polyaluminum) in the physical mechanical properties of hot asphaltic mixtures

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Paul Javier León Torres
Jorge Humberto Maila Paucar
Efrén Wladimir Albuja Córdova


At a global level, the use of additives has been undertaken in order to have better quality asphalt mixtures and to reduce their premature aging. In our country, research is required to be carried out with different stone aggregates and to compare the behavior of the binder used and of the mixtures themselves, so this work is scientifically necessary that it is not the only one, but that more research is undertaken and that different sources of materials are used. The research consists of a comparative analysis of the influence of additives on the physical-mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt. Information was gathered from 3 research projects on SBS, RET, SBR and polyaluminum polymer-modified asphalt mixtures, where the Pavement Laboratory provided support in tests for their development Project N.1 Aggregates from Pifo with the incorporation of SBS and RET polymer; Project N. 2 Aggregates from Nayón with the incorporation of SBS and SBR polymer and Project N. 3 Aggregates from two Píntag and Guayllabamba mines with the incorporation of polyaluminum. With this data, the improvements obtained with the incorporation of additives in conventional asphalt mixtures are analyzed with respect to the resistance characteristics related to plastic deformation through the determination of stability and flow (Marshall test) and the value of loss through wear (Cantabrian test). Demonstrating that by adding optimal quantities of the above-mentioned additives improves the mechanical properties increases the stability and decreases the percentage of loss by wear to the Cantabrian, this means that increases the cohesion of the mixture decreasing the risk of permanent deformation (rutting) and cracking, improving the elasticity, thus contributing in the durability of the life of the roads of the country.


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How to Cite
León Torres, P. J., Maila Paucar, J. H., & Albuja Córdova, E. W. (2020). Influence of additives (polymers and polyaluminum) in the physical mechanical properties of hot asphaltic mixtures. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 60–71.
Author Biographies

Paul Javier León Torres, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito - Ecuador

Magister en Geotecnia Aplicada
Docente titular Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática (FICFM – UCE)

ORCID: 0000-0001-6808-830X

Jorge Humberto Maila Paucar, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito - Ecuador

Técnico de Laboratorio de Pavimentos FICFM-UCE

ORCID: 0000-0003-3319-1475

Efrén Wladimir Albuja Córdova, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito - Ecuador

Laboratorista de Pavimentos FICFM-UCE

ORCID: 0000-0003-1008-4706


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