Industrial technological development in the urbanization process of the city of Quito

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Sergio Andrés Bermeo Álvarez
Claudia Canobbio Rojas


The present investigation has for object to analyze the historical framework of the urban process of Quito, capital city of Ecuador, through a synthesized study of temporalities and technological categories from the field of urban geography, which allows to show the urban fabric, historical landmarks and ideologies, which constituted a new appearance of urban centers, differentiating itself from pre-Columbian towns and villages from local artisan technologies for a development of the city according to its industrialized scientific-technological progress. This investigation, product of a multidisciplinary team, takes as a period of study from the beginnings of colonial industrial technology, product of the founding of the city in 1534, to 2018 with modern cyber technologies. With this objective, documentary analysis and historical method are used, and with a participatory methodology, the cartographic mode is used through unpublished illustrated maps of the technological evolution of the city of Quito.


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How to Cite
Bermeo Álvarez, S. A., & Canobbio Rojas , C. (2020). Industrial technological development in the urbanization process of the city of Quito. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 47–59.
Author Biographies

Sergio Andrés Bermeo Álvarez, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito - Ecuador

Urban Architect, researcher and teacher of the Central University of Ecuador, planner and project builder in his architecture office as Executive President of ArchiSense Cía. Ltda., Has completed his studies at the Polytechnic University of Milan (Diploma in Architectural Design and Sustainability), Autonomous University of Mexico (Project Management-UNAM), University of Buenos Aires (Master in Architectural Design and Sustainability-UBA), University de Guadalajara (Doctor in City, Territory and Sustainability-UDG), expert in Project Intelligence and Complex Systems of architecture and city.


Claudia Canobbio Rojas , Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Sinaloa, México

Claudia Canobbio Rojas studied Bachelor of International Business at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). She has a master's degree in United States and Canada Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS) and a doctorate in City, Territory and Sustainability at the University Center for Art, Architecture and Design at the University of Guadalajara (UDG). Lecturer at international conferences and invited to seminars at national and foreign universities, following the lines of research in regional development and urban studies. To date, she works as a professor-researcher at the UAS.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1670-4320


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