Relationship between Tmax and Vitrinite Reflectance in the fore-arc basins of South-West of Ecuador
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Quantification of Ro and Tmax are two independent techniques used to constrain the thermal maturity of rocks. Furthermore, several studies have recognized a direct linear relationship between both parameters. In the case of the fore-arc basins of the South-West of Ecuador, we have established an equation [Ro = 0.0228*Tmax – 9.21] based in the data of samples of the Tiburon-0001 and B2-ANX1-1X wells; which correspond to the best quality data. Additionally, a confidence zone was established (Tmax ± 1σ). The samples that fall out of this zone were not considered in further interpretations. The proposed equation has been tested efficient for other pairs of data analyzed in this work and for other basins. The thermal characterization of the South-West of Ecuador shows that two zones may have reached sufficient thermal maturity in order to generate hydrocarbons. The first one is related with late Cretaceous rocks of the Chongón-Colonche Range and with Paleogene rocks of Santa Elena High. The second one is related with Neogene rocks affected by the Puna-Santa Clara fault system. The thermal maturity observed in these zones has been linked with tectonic processes, due to accretionary events (Late Cretaceous and Paleogene systems) and to the Nor-Andean Block scape (Neogene system).
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