Multitemporal analysis of the potential parameters of hydrogen, electrical conductivity and chlorides of the hydrographic system of the Ambi River - Yachay

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David Carrera Villacrés
Paulina Guevara
Valeria Andrade
Pablo Piedra


The basin of Ambi river is located on Imbabura province, due to its proximity to the city of knowledge “Yachay” and considering that it aims to boost agricultural and livestock production with the allocation of 1,000 hectares for the development of experimental agriculture and agro-industrial. The study of the water quality of Ambi river for agricultural uses and variations of the concentrations of the ions over time is essential, considering these aspects the objectives of this research were to perform a multi-temporal analysis in 2014, 2015 and 2016 of representative sample points took along hydrographic system of Ambi river, to observe changes in concentrations of pH, EC and Cl in intermediate and rainy seasons, and relate the average monthly rainfall of a series of rainfall data from 30 years of three stations located in the study area, finally compare the results obtained at these points with the permissible limits for agricultural use, according TULSMA 2015 regulations. The tested concentrations were higher in 2014, this year corresponding to intermediate season, the relation of precipitation and concentrations were inverse, the pH in intermediate season were found near the maximum allowable limit under the regulation, EC in the waters of Ambi river were highly saline, type C3, in the case of chlorides the points taken in the lower basin during times of drought were in the mild to moderate range according TULSMA 2015, being Pinguinchuela ravine higher than the allowable limit. In general, during times of drought the level of water pollution of Ambi river for agricultural use was more critical.


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How to Cite
Carrera Villacrés, D., Guevara, P., Andrade, V., & Piedra, P. (2016). Multitemporal analysis of the potential parameters of hydrogen, electrical conductivity and chlorides of the hydrographic system of the Ambi River - Yachay. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 1(1), 25–33.
Author Biographies

David Carrera Villacrés, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE. Sangolquí. Ecuador


Orcid: 0000-0001-7648-5356

Paulina Guevara, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE. Sangolquí. Ecuador

Valeria Andrade, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE. Sangolquí. Ecuador

Docente ESPE.


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