Organic carbon capture in areas with different levels of intervention in Sayaro moors
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The moors are ecosystems known for their high-water retention capacity and carbon sequestration in soils, this is attributed to the variety of flora and fauna of the wetland areas in them. The present investigation was carried out in the moors de Sayaro, located in the parish of Juan Montalvo, belonging to the canton of Cayambe; with the aim of determining the amount of carbon present in three areas with different levels of intervention and the factors to which the difference would be attributed. Zone Z1=no intervention; Zone Z2=medium intervention and Zone Z3= high intervention. A total of 45 soil samples, 15 in each of the zones, were taken for analysis of the physic-chemical parameters of the percentage of organic matter and the amount of organic carbon; determined by the Walkey and Black method (1947). The average values obtained of organic carbon were 44.06 tC/ha in the zone without intervention and young moors; 28.05 tC/ha in the zone with medium intervention due to the presence of volcanic ash and 35,67 tC/ha in the area with high intervention by vegetation and presence of organisms such as worms.
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