Stratified sampling calculation method with proportional allocation to the size for the analysis of consumption, commutation and local identity within the metropolitan district of Quito

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Fernando Puente
Diego Hurtado
Jenny Morillo
Mayra Díaz
Gabriela Paz


Due to the lack of a number of inhabitants at the time of the study in the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ), considering ages from them 10 to 65, the study area was delimited taking as base the population Census INEC from the year 2010, through the selection of the census tracts in urban land classification to obtain an approximation of the population size, about 1655073. The study was held by stratified sampling with proportional affixation to the size, considering the Census polygons sub-forming cells throughout the district, a grid composed of 400*400 square meters cells, considered as the walking area, which were analyzed as strata. The total number of cells was 2824. For the stratified division of the Metropolitan District of Quito it was considered the population density of each cell to determine the number of surveys, excluding green areas, parks, ravines, stadiums and large-scale educational facilities, because they do not have population significance. A total of 10503 surveys were georeferenced by the lot identification number as a result. It was determined the weight of the strata within the population universe of the DMQ in urban land, setting the number of surveys that apply within each cell for purposes of the analysis of consumption, commuting and local identity. Particularly it is highlighted the following results: a total of 25 surveys to be applied in 27 cells and 33 surveys in 2 cells, which evidence these spaces as the ones with the highest local density within the DMQ.


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How to Cite
Puente, F., Hurtado, D., Morillo, J., Díaz, M., & Paz, G. (2017). Stratified sampling calculation method with proportional allocation to the size for the analysis of consumption, commutation and local identity within the metropolitan district of Quito. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 3(1), 85–97.
Author Biographies

Fernando Puente, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Orcid: 0000-0002-3430-7831

Diego Hurtado, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Orcid: 0000-0002-5015-2913

Jenny Morillo, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Orcid: 0000-0001-8963-7291


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