Elementary composition of mixtures biodiesel-diesel and analysis of its emissions of combustion
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To improve the quality of fuels is crucial to control environmental risks. The present research aims to determine diesel and biodiesel mixtures that generate the least amount of combustion gases harmful to the environment, from its elemental composition analysis. For this purpose, the determination of elemental composition of the different diesel samples, three different types of biodiesel and their respective diesel mixtures was determined by means values of specialized equipment based on the sample flue gases quantification, Statistical analysis was performed using effect graphs and ANOVA. Applying stoichiometric and statistical calculations were developed a carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide estimate emissions rates. The biodiesel B sample results as the most stable behavior for each mixture. Also, the CO2 emissions obtained do not vary significantly between each mixture, but the SO2 emissions vary substantially. At last the combustion emissions mixtures analysis was carried out, of which the biodiesel B at 80% sample was the best one, it represents the lowest amount of SO2 emissions compared to the other mixtures. It concludes that there is an important influence of the percentage composition of biodiesel in the CO2 and SO2 emissions and the best mixture biodiesel was biodiesel B with lower SO2 emissions.
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