Tectonic-Structural Model of the pre-Cretaceous of the southeastern zone of Oriente Basin using 2D seismic information
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Knowledge of the geological evolution of the Oriente Basin is concentrated towards the north, here the information is abundant due to the presence of oilfields. In the southeastern area of the Oriente Basin, the available data is 2D seismic sections and a few exploratory wells with information from the Cretaceous to the most recent sequences. Hence, the geological interpretation of the pre-Cretaceous in this area is scarce. In contrast, the Peruvian side (Marañón Basin) has enough geological data and interpretations which are detailed in the models proposed by Calderón et al. and Zamora et al., that support this study. The delineation and interpretation of seismic facies allowed the recognition of pre-rift, syn-rift, post-rift, tectonic inversion, and evaporite uplift tectonic events associated with pre-Cretaceous lithologies. This study allowed the identification of the middle to upper Triassic extensional event that is absent towards the northern part of the Oriente Basin, and the Intra-Jurassic unconformity which is well marked towards Peru. The results are the first approximation to the understanding of the geological evolution of the study area in the transition of the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Andes.
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