Creating Opportunities

the bumpy transition between opposition to government in less than a decade



Creating opportunities, political parties, life cycle, crossed death


The Ecuadorian political movement Creating Opportunities (CREO) was founded in 2011. In 2013 it had its first participation in general elections, achieving second place, although without managing to force a runoff. In the 2017 elections, it entered the second round with 28.09% of the vote and managed to gather the support of other important sectors, coming in second place with 48.84%. Finally, in 2021, although with fewer absolute votes, it managed to win the presidency with 52.36%. In this way, just ten years after its founding, this political movement with a neoliberal orientation managed to take over the Executive. From the perspective of the competitive approach of political parties, this dizzying transition from opposition to government offers an analytical opportunity to explore some aspects related to the life cycle of political organizations in current times. This is further accentuated when considering that CREO could not finish the four-year mandate, since the President of the Republic applied the so-called “crossed death” –a constitutional mechanism with which the mandates of the Legislature and the Executive end early, requiring anticipated elections. In these, CREO did not present candidates.


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Author Biographies

Adrián López Andrade

Doctor (Ph.D.) en Historia Latinoamericana, Maestro en Ciencia Política, Magister en Estudios Latinoamericanos con mención en Relaciones Internacionales, B.A. en Ciencia Política e Historia. Docente-investigador y exdirector de la Carrera de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Central del Ecuador

Diego Aguirre Andrade

Politólogo por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Especialista Superior en Diseño de Políticas Públicas y estudiante de la Maestría en Política Comparada en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, sede Ecuador



How to Cite

López Andrade, A., & Aguirre Andrade, D. (2025). Creating Opportunities: the bumpy transition between opposition to government in less than a decade. Sociología Y Política HOY, (10), 74–91. Retrieved from



Perspectiva Ecuador