Hipertrigliceridemia asociada a sobrepeso y obesidad en médicos del hospital San Francisco del IESS, en la ciudad de Quito: una alerta para los profesionales médicos
nutritional condition, Hypertriglyceridemia, obesity among healthcare professionalsAbstract
Context: the World Health Organisation has mentioned that accelerated changes in the food regime and lifestyles of the population will cause noticeable alterations in the nutritional conditions of people in developing countries occurring as a response to the “industrialization, urbanisation, economic development and globalisation of markets”. In Ecuador, people have increased their consumption of readily available food products which are
high in saturated fats and are distinctly calorific; and thus, according to current statistics, in the past ten years a noticeable nutritional shift has taken place. It is therefore imperative to consider Hypertriglyceridemia as a future risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular ones.
Objective: to describe the rate of prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia in relation to excess weight and obesity in doctors working for IESS (National Health Service) San Francisco Hospital in Quito during the 2015 – 2016 period.
Subjects and methods: this is an epidemiological descriptive set of studies using BMI and triglyceride counts, aimed at describing the prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia and its relation to the nutritional conditions of medical personnel. Main measurements: nutritional conditions, triglycerides
Results: a total of 90 medical staff took part: 60% IC95% 49.67 – 69.51% were female with an average age of 37.96 ± 5.95 years, and 40% IC95% 30.49 – 50.33% were male ranging 40.94 ± 7.53 years of age. The prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia was 34.44% IC95% 25.45 – 44.72%, and according to gender: 22.22% IC95% 13.20 – 34.94% in women and 52.78% IC95% 37.01 – 68.01% in men. The prevalence of excess weight and obesity was 52.2% IC95% 37.76 – 57.98 %: in terms of gender 42.59% IC95% 30.33 – 55.84% in women and 66.67% IC95% 50.33 – 79.79% in men. The results indicated that 23.26% IC95% 13.15 – 37.74% of the 43 subjects suffering excess weight or obesity are hypertriglyceridemic: this is equal to a hypertriglyceridemic rate of 232.6 x per every 1000 overweight persons.
Conclusion: five of every 10 doctors are obese, and 3 out of every 10 present Hypertriglyceridemia. Approximately a quarter of the persons suffering excess weight and obesity have Hypertriglyceridemia which is a disease that is directly related to excess weight and obesity. Medical professionals have a high prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia due to being overweight and obese, and are therefore at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
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