¿Es el volumen medio plaquetario un predictor de mortalidad en sepsis?
sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock, mortality, mean platelet volume, procalcitoninAbstract
Context: Sepsis is the host's response to a systemic infection. Its severe forms (severe sepsis and septic shock) affect millions of people worldwide, leading to death in one in four patients (sepsis survival campaign). Despite technological advances involving new drugs, molecular research, biomarkers and therapeutic strategies, achievements do not allow predicting the severity of the condition and anticipate mortality.
Objective: to validate the mean platelet volume (VMP), a value routinely reported in the blood count as a predictor of mortality in septic patients.
Materials and methods: a non-experimental prospective study was conducted at the intensive care unit of the Pablo Arturo Suárez Hospital in Quito from July 2012 to October 2014. Universe is made up of all patients admitted with a diagnosis of sepsis who met the inclusion criteria. The following variables were considered: VMP, leukocyte count, site of infection, age, gender and condition at discharge.
Results: the study group consisted of 87 patients. The most frequent site of infection was at the abdominal level, followed by lung and urinary tract. The survival rate was 63.2%, which coincides with the average mortalityworldwide. The ROC curve (AUC: 85.4) and the linear correlation of Pearson (WBC count-VMP) (r: 0.94) confirm the utility of VMP as a predictor of mortality in sepsis cases.
Conclusion: mean platelet volume equal to or greater than 8.5 fl adequately predicts mortality in patients with sepsis.
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