Xantoastrocitoma pleomórfico


  • Carlos Alberto León Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
  • José Leonardo Acosta Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Christian Xavier Diez Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín




xanthoastrocytoma pleomorphic, atypical recurrent meningioma, fibrous xanthoma, astrocy-toma grade II


The pleomorphic xantoastrocytoma, due to its extreme rarity, carries high complexity in the histo-pathological diagnosis. The clinical case is presented in a male subject, 40 years old, with a history of sei-zures with late presentation, secondary to atypical meningioma grade II located in the left occipital region, resected twice in the course of 6 years. He received full-dose radiation therapy after the second resection. The initial histopathological diagnosis was atypical meningioma grade II. The patient comes to HCAM due to intense holocranial headache and right brachiocrural hemiparesis; In the gadolinium nuclear magnetic resonance studies the growth of a left occipital lesion with perilesional edema that warranted total resec-tion of the lesion through previous
craniectomy was observed. As a macroscopic finding, a violaceous mass is described which infiltrates dura mater lacking a plane of cleavage; The histopathological study details a hypercellular glial neoplasia with diffuse infiltration with intense immunohistochemical reaction for PGAF (glial acidic glial protein), S100 and CD56 in tumor cells, CD34 positive. It was KI67 positive in 3% and P53 weakly positive, compatible with pleomorphic
xantoastrocytoma WHO II.


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How to Cite

León CA, Acosta JL, Diez CX. Xantoastrocitoma pleomórfico. Rev Fac Cien Med (Quito) [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];42(2):185-8. Available from: https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CIENCIAS_MEDICAS/article/view/1582