Toothpaste with effective hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for sealing dentinal tubules: an in-vitro study
Nanoparticles, hydroxyapatite, dentin, dentin tubule, toothpasteAbstract
Background: The sensitivity of dentin affects 57% of the population. In Ecuador there are no toothpastes that use hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nHAP) as an agent that favors the treatment of this pathology.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of sealing dentinal tubules with toothpaste with nHAP using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Methods: Experimental in vitro study, on 24 1mm thick dentin discs that were exposed to acid etching with 37% orthophosphoric acid to simulate sensitive dentin. Four groups were formed to receive brushing for seven days with nHAP at different concentrations added to commercial toothpaste (0%, 1%, 2% and 3%). The synthesis of nHAP was performed by precipitation of calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid. The diameter of the dentinal tubules was determined before and after brushing Using AFM, in each group. Differences were analysed by ANOVA between groups and the initial and final difference in dentine diameters in each treatment were examined with a T test for paired groups, and a Fisher LSD test with 95% Confidence Interval (CI).
Results: Addition of orthophosphoric acid had a positive effect on increasing the diameter of the tubule, obtaining an average of 1.74μm (normal diameter 0.9µm). After brushing it was shown that toothpaste with 0% nHAP did not change the diameter of the tubule, while significant differences were observed with toothpastes with 1, 2, 3% of nHAP.
Conclusions: The addition of 3% nHAP to toothpaste is effective in reducing the diameter of dentinal tubules of sensitive dentines.
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