Anthropology and Health: Organ transplantation from an anthropological perspective.


  • Andrés Roberto España Bustos FLACSO



Organ transplantation, gift, body, biotechnology, life, death, ontology


Organ transplantation reaches a wide field of study that goes from principles such as solidarity and altruism,
legal and regulatory provisions, until the construction of the subjectivity that people adopt by harboring another
organ inside your body. This article seeks to expose two anthropological considerations related to organ
transplantation: first, a conceptual description of the gift theory proposed by Marcel Mauss (2009) and its relationship
with transplantation; and in a second moment, the importance of the analysis and the approach of
biopolitical technology in the biomedical technique of transplantation.


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How to Cite

España Bustos AR. Anthropology and Health: Organ transplantation from an anthropological perspective. Rev Fac Cien Med (Quito) [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];45(1):5-14. Available from: