Characterization of patients with osteoporosis treated with Vitamin D 100,000 IU monthly. 2020
Vitamina D, osteoporosis, caracterizaciónAbstract
Introduction: Vitamin D in the skin after sun exposure constitutes precursor and bone anabolic agent that stimulates the
active transport of calcium through the intestinal mucosa. The European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis
and Osteoarthritis, recommends that postmenopausal patients with 25 (OH) D levels less than 50 nmol / L receive
supplementation between 800 and 1000 IU daily of vitamin D.
Objective: Determine in women with osteoporosis the percentage change of 25 (OH) vitamin D in blood, with the administration
of 100,000 IU of vitamin D caps once a month, as well as safety and degree of satisfaction with the treatment.
Subjects and methods: Observational, descriptive and longitudinal study, which included 44 women who received 100,000
IU of vitamin D once a month for three months. Pre and Post-treatment laboratory control was performed on a non-probabilistic
subsample of 10 patients.
Results: The 70% of cases reported not having comorbidities. The initial value of vitamin D was 23.5±10.1 nmol/l at the end
the average was 27.2±9.6 nmol/l in the subsample. Post-treatment increased Vit D. levels 20.4% in more than 50% of cases,
93% of cases did not report adverse events. The adverse events reported were gastro-intestinal, osteo-articular events and
headache. The majority of cases reported being satisfied with the treatment.
Conclusion: Treatment was very well tolerated, the majority of cases reported being satisfied with the treatment. Significant
percentage increases of 25 (OH) D were observed in blood after 12 weeks of treatment.
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