Return to face-to-face university academic activities: Bibliographical synthesis of the most effective biosecurity measures
SARS-CoV-2, professional education, ventilation, masks, hygieneAbstract
Introduction: The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 has had a great impact on education. Currently, the challenges of the progressive return to face-to-face educational activities are being faced.
Objective: To determine the measures that have the greatest impact in a context of progressive return to classroom activities indoors.
Material and methods: Synthesis of published information, through the implementation of keywords in the search (return, biosecurity, vaccination, COVID-19, universities, mask, ventilation, fomites, body temperature, crowding, antibodies) in virtual platforms such: Pubmed, google scholar, Elsevier that supports the information on the application of biosafety measures that allow the return to face-to-face classes.
Results: The correct use of masks, frequent hygiene, social distancing, capacity respect, and the ventilation of closed environments are essential measures that must be controlled by a committee to reduce the probability of contagion, the measurement of body temperature as screening of cases is questionable, regulatory measures are necessary in the transport of vehicles and terminals, fomites on surfaces play a minimal role in the transmission of the COVID-19, rapid tests are a practical and reliable option for tracking active cases, and vaccinated population should continue to adopt biosafety measures.
Conclusions: The feasibility of returning to in-person classes depends on external factors: mobility and transportation of students and their economic situation, and internal factors: implementation and fulfillment with the afore mentioned measures, which will be achieved with an adequate management of the economic resources assigned to the universities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kathy Rivadeneira, Camila Ron, María José Farinango, Juan José Torres, Oscar Taipe, Camila Herrera, Giovanni Rojas Velasco
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