Migration as a metaphor for existence

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Sophía Yánez


This text proposes the migration understanding as a trip which presupposes the existence. It sustains the idea that migrating from one state to another is an evolutional aspect and it occurs mainly through the language. Metaphor, as the essential vehicle to arrive to a state of higher states of consciousness. The author pursues the concept of migration with the support of Maria Zambrano’s and James Hillman’s authors who discourse the “heart metaphor”, and also establishes a dialogue with Paul Ricoeurs´ literary theory as in his book La metáfora viva. Finally, the author converses with the work of the American poet Joy Harjo, mainly by referring to Conflict resolution for holy beings, and journey to the core of Harjos speech. In this trip, she explains how poetry necessarily accompanies the habit of migrating from one state of consciousness to another, enabling us to build episteme (or knowledge) by means of strengthening our own subjectivity.


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How to Cite
Yánez, S. (2020). Migration as a metaphor for existence. Textos Y Contextos, 1(19), 25–42. https://doi.org/10.29166/tyc.v1i19.2067
Author Biography

Sophía Yánez

Escribe poesía desde los 13 años. Es autora de siete poemarios y está antologada en varias recopilaciones colectivas de poesía nacional e internacional. También sus ensayos han sido recogidos en las Memorias Jalla y la Fundación Antonio Cornejo Polar de Perú. Es candidata a doctora en Literatura Latinoamericana por la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Sede Ecuador. Tiene a su cargo la cátedra de Escritura Creativa en la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. En 2018 fe seleccionada y antologada
por el Austin International Poetry Festival. Ha participado dos veces en TAPFNY en Nueva York y ha sido antologada por dicho festival. En 2019, publica El Sonido de la Pureza con editorial Eskeletra


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