El debate por la Ley IVE en la web de tres revistas femeninas argentinas

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María Laura Schaufler


The objective of this article is to analyze the approach to the debate on the right to legal abortion in the Argentine women's digital press in 2020. Specifically, it focuses on a comparative analysis of discourses about the discussion of the law on voluntary termination of pregnancy in the women's magazines Para Ti, Marie Claire, and OHLALA! In Argentina, the massive media coverage of the debate on the right to legal, safe, and free abortion traced a path that made the problem of non-reproductive sexual rights visible and strongly established the issue in the media in 2018, redefining abortion as a right to non-reproduction of bodies capable of gestation, which culminated in the enactment of Law No. 27,610 on legal, safe and free abortion on December 30, 2020. Within this framework, the article seeks to identify and analyze its thematization in three different magazine sites. Among the conclusions, it is found that, about the subject, the three magazines chose three different positions: Para Tí maintained an opposing position, OHLALÁ!, although it favored a position in favor, sought to compensate with speeches in favor of pregnancies, and Marie Claire took a position demanding the IVE law.


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Schaufler, M. L. (2025). El debate por la Ley IVE en la web de tres revistas femeninas argentinas. Textos Y Contextos, 1(30). https://doi.org/10.29166/tyc.v1i30.7365


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