Public Management: analysis of the status of web portals of the public entities of Ecuador and services focused on the citizen


  • Edgar Efraín Osejo Domínguez
  • Susana Graciela Cadena Vela
  • Mónica del Rocío Noboa Reinoso
  • Miguel Hernán Sánchez Pérez


Electronic Government, Access to Citizen Services, Quality of Information, National Secretary of Public Administration, Cepal, Online Services, Simplification of Procedures, Quality of Service, Interaction, Indicators


The present research develops an analysis of the state web portals with the focus towards the citizen services. Within this analysis, the following factors were reviewed: access to citizen services, quality of information available on portals, development of online services of each of the entities, capacity for interaction between users and government agencies through different mechanisms of contact and feedback by the citizen towards the public dependency. Using the bibliographical - documentary methodology, this study uses as a main reference the Multi - Dimensional model of electronic government measurement proposed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) and several elements proposed by the National Secretariat of Public Administration (SNAP). The analysis was carried out between August 2016 and August 2017. Each government electronic portal was visited, validating its contents with the indicated factors. Once the factors validated with the contents of each electronic portal, the level of compliance of each of these was determined. From this analysis we present the results obtained by each factor.


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How to Cite

Osejo Domínguez, E. E., Cadena Vela, S. G., Noboa Reinoso, M. del R., & Sánchez Pérez, M. H. (2018). Public Management: analysis of the status of web portals of the public entities of Ecuador and services focused on the citizen. Revista Ciencias Sociales, 1(39), 95–109. Retrieved from