The metaphysics of the mechanical image of the world


  • Martín Aulestia Calero Universidad Central del Ecuador



Technique, science, politics, modernity, metaphysics, government, device


This article develops the fundamental lines of what I have called, following in the open road of Martin Heidegger, the "destruction of the metaphysics of the mechanical image of the world". To do so, it first shows the essential relationship between our understanding of technique and the meaning of the modern epoch. In this order of ideas, the problem of the type of link that we should recognize between modern technology and science is developed. With all these items, we point out that, at the heart of the technoscientific project, is the Baconian idea that nature must be known in order to be mastered. The latter shows that, despite the undeniable and profound transformations of technoscience, especially since the twentieth century, there has been no comparable modification at the level of its metaphysical foundation. We conclude showing the basic suggestions of our thesis that technology must be seen today as politics.



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Author Biography

Martín Aulestia Calero, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Sociologist from the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Master in Contemporary Thought and Classical Tradition, with specialization in Modern Philosophy, from the Universitat de Barcelona, and graduate of the Master in Government, mention in State Studies, from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. His research interests are contemporary social theory, Marxist philosophy, philosophy of technology and German philosophy. 


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How to Cite

Aulestia Calero, M. (2023). The metaphysics of the mechanical image of the world. Revista Ciencias Sociales, 1(44), 81–97.