La interconexión como fundamento de la competencia en telecomunicaciones


  • Ana Abril Olivo


Telecomunications, Networking, Competition, lnformation Networks


The telecommunications sector thrives on a major componen! that allows all the information transits freely and effeclively by the Network: the interconnection between all operators and service providers, because it is the guarantee of a complete communication users and access to all services; and from lhe law, a new dlmension of the right to free expression, communication and information is obtalned, because the citizen of the world requires a massive, comprehensiva and inexpensive communication.

Belng born telecommunications as monopoly state spaoe where the network drive was kept because the goal was to maintain its hegemony in the area of coverage. But economic concepts evolved in lhe world and also reached to telecommunications, to achieve open markets based on the concept of compe.tition, as the fundamental element of the free market, which can be achieved through the interconnection. The ultimate goal is to enable the interconnection of the functional unit ol the telecommunications networks to the lull salisfaction of the end usar.


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Chillón, José María (mayo de 2003) "Contenido de la acción regulatoria, el acceso y operatividad en el mercado, Régimen de acceso e Interconexión", . documento preparado para el Organismos de Regulación de la República Dominicana.

Miranda Londoño, Alfonso (1999) El régimen general de la libre competencia. Bogotá: Centro de Estudios de la Competencia, CEDEC, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana/Artes Gráficas.

Vélez, Luis (1999) Los objetivos de las normas antimonopolisticas. Planteamientos para un debate. Bogotá: Centro de Estudios de la Competencia, CEDEC, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana/Artes Gráficas.



How to Cite

Abril Olivo, A. (2024). La interconexión como fundamento de la competencia en telecomunicaciones. Revista Ciencias Sociales, (37), 150–157. Retrieved from




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