El Principio Precautorio en el Derecho Ambiental


  • Marcelo Galárraga Carvajal


Precautionary Principie, Environmental Law


Caulion is defined as follows: "Reserve, caution, prudence. The Precautionary Principal is the basis, or essential pillar, of the existence of the institution of caution, that is the attitude or precautionary measures taken to protect the environment, based on rules, laws or legal principies of acceptance of both nalfonal and lnternational acceptance. The essential elements of nature are: water, air, soil, temperature and weather, among others, The World Charter for Natura in 1982 initially introduced the idea of precaution. In the following years, the precautionary principie was expressly formulated in various international declarations and was reflectad in the standard instruments ulilized for the protection of the atmosphere.

lnternational conventions to establísh mechanisms for caution in order to forecast, or mitigate the causes of changa, therefore the threat of serious or irreparable environmental damage, are crucial to suspend or take measures of precaution, prevention, or to minimiza the causes of climate change; the greenhouse effect; gas emissions: destruction of biodiversity; and the disruplion of ecosystems. There should exist international cooperation from the Parties or States involved at both natlonal and international levels. Despite the ambiguities that still cause ditticulties, the Precautionary Principie is a new parameter of environmental thought and action at both national and international levels of each of the States. This Principal is also highlighted in the Constilulion of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Galárraga Carvajal, M. . (2024). El Principio Precautorio en el Derecho Ambiental. Revista Ciencias Sociales, (37), 164–169. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CSOCIALES/article/view/6454


