Proposal for Concrete Block Masonry Insulation in Reinforced Concrete Frames
Main Article Content
Ecuador is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire where 90% of the seismic activity of the planet occurs. For
this reason, framed buildings that are built locally are very vulnerable to damage to their elements. Added
to this is the fact that the masonry is usually integrated into the frames constructively, which determines
a change in the structural behavior foreseen in the design. This research work aims to propose a way to
isolate the masonry, based on the determination of the relative displacement «Drift» and the maximum
displacements that the building will support from obtaining its «Performance Point» and the «Nonlinear»
structural analysis. With this, it is expected to provide criteria that help designers and builders integrate
them into their work and minimize effects on buildings due to earthquakes.
Article Details
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