Development of an Autonomous Model for Transportation of Young People from 20 to 25 Years Old in Ambato - Ecuador, Who Use Public Transportation and/or Walk

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Diana Carolina Chávez Silva
Andrea Carolina Goyes Balladares
Roberto Carlos Moya Jiménez


The technological development of the transportation system over the years has shown a constant evolution allowing, in an efficient way, to improve the movement of people, reducing travel times, increasing the capacity of users, reducing the emission of polluting gases with the implementation of alternative energies, and innovating in the area of technology with autonomous devices capable of performing all the necessary operations for their displacement. The objective of this document is to present the development process of an autonomous model for the transportation of young people between 20 and 25 years old in the city of Ambato/Ecuador, as an alternative to the collective public and pedestrian modes of transportation. To address this problem, information was collected through interviews with potential users, according to the research target, using the methodology of Startup Essentials and Clientograms to define a value proposition based on an identified problem that correlates, in a formal and aesthetic way with the environment of the city. A reflection of the data obtained from the clients and the digital prototype that responds to the needs and requirements of the users, providing security and comfort in daily commuting, highlighting the latent need in the creation of this type of products is presented.


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How to Cite
Chávez Silva, D. C., Goyes Balladares , A. C. ., & Moya Jiménez , R. C. . (2024). Development of an Autonomous Model for Transportation of Young People from 20 to 25 Years Old in Ambato - Ecuador, Who Use Public Transportation and/or Walk. INGENIO, 7(1), 57–71.
Author Biographies

Diana Carolina Chávez Silva, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-UTA

Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial

Andrea Carolina Goyes Balladares , Universidad Técnica de Ambato-UTA

Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Área de Especialización: Movilidad Urbana

Roberto Carlos Moya Jiménez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato-UTA

Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Área de Especialización: Robótica


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