Development of a Low-Cost Micropotentiometric Method for the Determination of Titratable Acidity


  • William Calero Cáceres Central University of Ecuador
  • Pablo Bonilla Central University of Ecuador



Food Analysis, Electrochemical Analysis, Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, Fruit juices, Soft drinks


We developed a low-cost micropotentiometric method for determining titratable acidity in food samples, matrix juices, using readily available materials for construction, such as pure tungsten welds of 1.6 mm x 175 mm, copper wire of 0.1 mm for electrical use, generic multimeter, plastic pipette tips, cotton and silicone. In order to maintain the analytical rigidity, the method was optimized and evaluated statistically by tests of linearity, accuracy, precision, stability, limit of detection and quantification using citric acid as a target analyte. With the new method, the results were evaluated according to the comparative study against the classical potentiometric method with glass electrode through the analysis of the regression line and the statistic t as confirmation, demonstrating its applicability for the analysis of food samples.


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Author Biographies

William Calero Cáceres, Central University of Ecuador

Laboratorio de Coloideoquímica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Quito.

Pablo Bonilla, Central University of Ecuador

Laboratorio de Coloideoquímica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Quito.


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How to Cite

Calero Cáceres, W., & Bonilla, P. (2011). Development of a Low-Cost Micropotentiometric Method for the Determination of Titratable Acidity. Química Central, 2(1), 3–12.



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