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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in the format: Microsoft Word (.doc ór .docx) according to the template.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and biliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines.
  • The name of the author and any possible reference that could lead to knowing who the author of the article is have been removed from the text. On the first page only the title of the article, abstract and keywords are included.
  • The DatosAutores and DeclaracionConflictoDeIntereses forms are filled out and signed.

FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo

Journal of Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas, Petróleos y Ambiental of Universidad Central del Ecuador 


The journal FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo, an indexed journal in SciELO with ISSNe 2602-8484, is intended to disseminate results of research and technical studies carried out by teachers, professionals and undergraduate and graduate students of the University and national and international experts in areas related to Engineering Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences, Energy, Geology, Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Technology, Earth Sciences, Research , Safety and Sustainable and Sustainable Use of Non-Renewable Natural Resources. It is an interdisciplinary space of discussion in theoretical and application aspects in the indicated areas. Its publication is semi-annual.

                    1. Filing rules
To submit the article you should consider submitting the article in .doc or .docx format according to the template (download).
In another file, put the data of the authors, affiliation, contributions according to the Author Data file (download).
Also attach the signed file on Assignment of rights and declaration of conflict of interest (download).

Complete guide (download).


The articles submitted must be original and unpublished and not for publication in any other journal or scientific publication, simultaneous presentations are also excluded.

Ethical use of information:

            Commercialism. Material of a commercial nature is unacceptable in a technical document by FIGEMPA Magazine. Generic descriptions can replace trade names.

            Plagiarism. The plagiarism of others' work is unacceptable. If detected, similarity criteria will be applied in accordance with SENESCYT's technical recommendations (10%), and the article will not be accepted. In case it is an article based on undergraduate and/or postgraduate work, both the work and the authors should be mentioned.


The article should contain: Summary in Spanish and English, keywords in Spanish and English, Introduction, Methodology, Discussion of Results, Conclusions and Bibliographic References.


Use the template for the article, without including the names of the authors.

Avoid making claims that are not clearly supported by results from other research or that have been validated by rigorous studies.

It accepts articles in English and Spanish.

Mention the figures with the abbreviation: Fig. 1, unless it is at the beginning of the prayer.

 1.1 Main title

The main title must contain no more than 15 words. You must submit it in Spanish and English.

1.2 Names of authors and their e-mails 

      - The full names of the participants
      - Most important title you have obtained
      - The name of the institution to which it belongs and / or works
      - The e-mails
      - ORCID

Note: It should not be included in the main text of the article, the data must be included in the Author Data form.

1.3 Charts, photographs and tables

All graphics, photographs and tables should be centered. Everything must be included in the article. Remember that the quality of the graphics, photographs and tables should have a good resolution.

Do not place figures before their first mention in the text. The axes of the figures should have names and not symbols.
It is allowed if it is necessary that your figures, diagrams and tables are full page. Use capital letters only in the first word of each title of the figures and Tables. Figures and tables must be numbered separately.

The titles of the figure should be centered below the figures.

The titles of the tables should be centered above the tables.

1.3.1 Color images

The use of color images is permitted. The images included in the word file must also be uploaded individually in good resolution in the “Complementary Files” section.

Quotes, references and equations must follow the following criteria:

1.4 Equations

Please use symbols that are available in English and Spanish in word processor versions.

Equations must be numbered with the number in parentheses and to the right margin of the text, e.g. VGS VGG I D RS Ec. (1)

For your mention, use the abbreviation Ec. (1).

Explicitly use exponential notation, that is, 5.6x10-3.

1.5 Dating

Use the Harvard citation system (Author-Date) and the signage of the page number, for textual quotations and for paraphrases is always privileged.

Textual or direct quotations:

These reproduce the material exactly, unchanged or added. The author, year and page number must be indicated. If the cited font has no paging, then the paragraph number is entered. If the quote has less than 40 words is placed as part of the text body, in quotation marks and at the end in parentheses the reference data is indicated.


- When analyzing the results and according to the opinion of Dominguez (2010): "All participants..." (p.74)

-When analyzing the results of previous studies we found that: "All participants..." (Machado, 2010, p. 74)

If the quotation has more than 40 words it must be written in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, left-aligned and with a margin of 2.54 cm or 5 tab spaces. 


- Machiavelli (2011) in his work The Prince states the following:

Men, when they have a good of those who believed they had evil, force themselves more with their benefactor, becomes the people quickly in more benevolent with him than if he had led him with their favors to the principality (p. 23)

- It is easier for the prince not to oppress the people and rule for them, because:

Men, when they have a good of those who believed they had evil, force themselves more with their benefactor, becomes the people quickly in more benevolent with him than if he had led him with their favors to the principality (Machiavelli, 2011, p. 23)

 Indirect quotes or paraphrase:

In these cases, the idea of another is reproduced in its own words. They follow the rules of textual subpoena, with the exception of the use of quotation marks and quotation marks in a separate paragraph.


- According to Huizinga (1952) good customs and distinguished ways, in addition to the practice of justice and the defense of territories for the protection of the people, are characteristics of nobility.

- This is how the great monarchies of Spain, France and England appear, which attempted to take over European hegemony by engaging in war on various occasions (Spielvogel, 2012, p. 425).

In the only cases where the page number can be deliberately omitted is in those of paraphrases and this when several ideas expressed throughout an entire work are being summarized and not a particular idea easily located in the aforementioned source.

Other rules of this:

Two authors: Machado y Rodríguez (2015) states... o (Machado and Rodriguez, 2015, p.4)

More than three: only the last name of the first author followed by et al.

Machado et al. (2015) claim that... / In other experiments, the authors found that... (Machado et al., 2015)

Corporate or institutional author with acronyms or abbreviations: The first citation includes the full name of the organization and then the abbreviation can be used. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, 2016) and then OPEC (2016); World Health Organization (WHO, 2014) and then WHO (2014).

Corporate or institutional author without acronyms or abbreviations: Instituto Cervantes (2012), (Instituto Cervantes, 2012).

Two or more works in the same parenthesis: they are sorted alphabetically in the order of the reference list: Many studies confirm the results (Martínez, 2012; Portillo, 2014; Rodriguez; 2014 and Zapata, 2015).

Secondary sources or appointment within an appointment: Carlos Portillo (quoted in Rodriguez, 2015)

Ancient works: ancient and well-known religious texts. (Koran 4:1-3), Luke 3:2 (New Testament). They are not included in the reference list.

Personal communications: personal letters, memos, electronic messages, etc. Manuela Alvarez (personal communication, June 4, 2010). They are not included in the reference list.

Undated font: enclosed in parentheses s.f. Alvarado (s.f), Bustamante (s.f).

Anonymous source: the first words of the title of the quoted work are written. (Management Report, 2013), Lazarillo de Tormes (2000).

Quotes from the same author with the same publication date: in these cases is placed hisfixation to the year of publication to make a difference (Rodríguez, 2015a), (Rodríguez, 2015b). It is sorted by title alphabetically, in the reference list.

1.6 Abbreviations and acronyms

Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in text. Avoid using abbreviations in the title, unless it is essential.

1.7 Conclusions

A conclusions section is required. In a conclusion you can review the main points of the document, do not reproduce the summary as a conclusion. A conclusion could extend the importance of work or make you think about apps and extensions. Tracking the above standards will allow your work not only to be highlighted by its content, but also visually appealing.

1.8 Recommendations

If necessary and in accordance with the article.

1.9 Bibliographical references

Harvard referencing style. It is organized alphabetically and uses a hanging indent (at least 25 references with the corresponding citation).

Book: Last Name, A. A. (Year) Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.

Book with editor: Last Name, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City, Country: Editorial.

E-book: Last Name, A.A. (Year). Title. Available at URL [Accessed day, month, year]

E-book with DOI: Last Name, A.A. (Year). Title. DOI: xx

Book chapter: Only in the cases of compilation books and anthologies where each chapter has a different author and a compiler or editor:

Last Name, A.A., and Last Name, B. B. (Year) "Title of the chapter or entry". In A. A. Last Name. (Ed.), Book title. City, Country: Editorial.

Publications printformat: Last Name, A.A., Last Name, B.B,, and Last Name, C.C. (Year) "Title of the article", Journal name, volume(number), pp. nn-nn.

Publications with DOI: Last Name, A.A., Last Name, B.B. and Last Name, C.C. (Year) "Title of the article", Journal name, volume(number), pp. nn- nn. DOI: xx

Online articles: Last Name, A. A. (Year) "Title of the article", Journal name, volume(number), pp. nn-nn. Available at URL [Accessed day, month, year]

Printed newspaper article: Last name A.A. (Year) "Title of the article", Newspaper name, date, pp. nn-nn. 

The authorless version: Title of the article (year) Newspaper name, pp. nn-nn.

Online newspaper article: Last name, A.A. (Year) "Title of the article", Name of the newspaper. Available at URL [Accessed day, month, year]

Thesis: Author, A. (Year) Thesis title.  Undergraduate, Master's or Doctoral thesis. Name of institution. Available at URL [Accessed day, month, year]

Reference to web pages: Last Name, A. A. (Year) Page title. Available at URL [Accessed day, month, year]

Sources on CDs: Last Name, A. (Year of publication) Title of the work (edition) [CD-ROM]. Place of publication: Publishing house.

Films: Producer's Last Name, A. (Producer) and Director's Last Name, A. (Director) (Year) Name of the film [film tape]. Country: producer.

Television series: Producer's last name, A. (producer) (Year) Name of the series [TV series]. Location: Producer.

Video: Producer's Last Name, A. (Producer) (Year) Series name [Source]. Place.

Podcast: Last Name, A. (Producer) (Year) Podcast title [Audio podcast]. Available at URL

Online forums, list of e-mail addresses and other online communities: Author, (Day, Month, Year) Message title [Shape Description] Available at URL

Barceló Miller, M. (1997). The fight for women's suffrage in Puerto Rico 1896 – 1935. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Hurricane Editions.

Granda, J., Alemany, I., and Canto, A. (2000). Multiculturalism and teacher training. A proposal for the formative curriculum of physical education teachers. In O. Contreras (coord.), The initial and permanent training of physical education teachers, Proceedings of the XVIII National Congress of Physical Education. (pp. 343-355). Basin: Editions of the University of Castilla – La Mancha.

Harvard Style (2012) Training material. University of Alicante. Available at http://www.suagm.edu/umet/biblioteca/pdf/GuiaRevMarzo2012APA6taEd.pdf.

Juste, M. R. P. (2008). "Health education with the elderly: Description of an experience", Global Health Promotion, 15 (3), pp. 58-62. DOI: 10.1177/1025382308095665

Parker, O. (director), and Finlay, T. (script) (2010) The portrait of Dorian Gray, [DVD][plays Ben Barnes, Colin Firth]. Madrid: Aurum production

Ramos, M. (2010). Learning at a community center cinema and the Stroybool Weaver program as story-generating cores. Unpublished doctoral thesis. University of Alcalá, Faculty of Psychopedagogy, Spain.

Sparks, D., Chase, D. and Coughlin, L. (2009) "We have a problem: a review of self-reported We related injuries", Informatics In Primary Care, 17 (1), pp. 55-57. Available at Pubmed database.

Torres, R. and Ceberio, M. (2011) "The SGAE supports Bautista, but a governing commission will assume its duties", El País, 05 july. Available at http://www.elpais.com/ [Accessed 12, 12, 2012]


Authors who want an article of their authorship to be published should follow the following procedure: 

           1. Refer the article in the format posed for the magazine that must be signed by its authors with names and surnames and / or declaration of institutional author, to the platform of the Magazine https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/RevFIG 
           2. The call for the presentation of articles is open
           3. To upload the item you must do the following:
                i. Login to the platform (for registration): https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/RevFIG/user/register
                 ii. Fill in the data requested.
                 iii. Log in with the user who will receive the email address entered.
                 iv. Select the new option sent and fill in the requested data.

All information will be received to the registered email.

Once an article has been received for publication, the following independent process will be followed that will select those to be published in the indexed journal FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo.

Stage 1: Verification that the Subject is in the publication lines approved by LATINDEX and which are Engineering Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences, Energy, Geology, Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Technology, Earth Sciences and sustainable use of non-renewable natural resources. It is carried out by the Editorial Board.

Stage 2: Verification of compliance with Academic and Ethical requirements such as: Statement of originality and that the article has not been sent to another journal for publication, that there is no indication of plagiarism, author information and affiliation, compliance with policies and formatting for publication such as not exceeding 8000 words, proper use of titles, paging, photographs, tables, graphs and equations, and proper presentation of References. It is carried out by a subcommittee of the Editorial Board that informs the editorial board of the results to be transferred to the knowledge of the authors. Attached to the publication rules and evaluation format.

Stage 3: Technical - scientific evaluation that considers: 

          1. The Editorial Board has a database with names of professors, researchers and technical collaborators internal and external to the FIGEMPA to act as reviewers and evaluators for all areas in which it has been qualified.
          2. Each article will be forwarded to a Reviewing Academic Pair in conjunction with an evaluation form containing the technical indicators that must meet for approval, who by an objective assessment will inform if it meets the criteria required and provide constructive feedback on how it might improve This is an assessment known as Double Blind, as the Reviewer does not know the names of the authors nor do the authors know the names of their Evaluators.
          3. In the event of comments, the Journal Directorate refers them to the authors for the addition of them as relevant, and a new version is received and resubmitted to the Reviewer.
          4. The Editorial Board of the journal will know and through the Management will notify the authors the results of the evaluation.
          5. Articles that are approved will go on to the Technical And Graphic Editing and Publishing phases
          6. Selected articles must be presented at a conference.

          7. Maximum deadline of seventy-five (75) days.