Risk factors and severity of their consequences in the operation and maintenance of Ecuadorian manufacturing industries equiment
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The operation of industrial equipment is immersed in the manifestation of risk factors from its design to the end of life stage with diverse consequences. the objective of the research pursues the study of risk factors and severity of their consequences in the operation and maintenance of equipment in Ecuadorian manufacturing industries. For the detail of the risk factors of the country's manufacturing sector vs the severity of its consequences, data from risk matrices were collected. Specific case studies were associated with the most common causes of failures recorded in rotating, mechanical, electrical, safety and control equipment according to ISO 14224: 2016. The analysis of the basic or immediate causes associated significant consequences through the application of the cause tree and the grouping of preventive actions. As a result of the study, detection methods were identified according to the samples of risk factors and failure mechanisms registered with the highest number of cases with consequences in production, safety and operations, while the training and activities to improve the environment for consequences in safety and environmental protection. the relationship of the samples from the history of operation and maintenance of equipment with risk factors in common, respond to a statistic with 2 degrees of freedom, alpha 0.05 and reference of 5.99, which according to the Chi-square test are noted sufficient preventive actions to avoid or minimize failures with significant consequences.
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