Estimation of dasometric variables in stands under forest management with unmanned aerial vehicles
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The constant evolution of technology has made possible its application in the forestry sector, it is currently possible to characterize the vegetation and estimate forest inventory variables. The objective of this research was to estimate forest inventory variables using images captured with an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) using photogrammetric processing integrated in a geographic information system in trees on stands under forest management in Santa Catarina Ixtepeji, Oaxaca, Mexico. A sample of 30 trees was used, selected from the census captured and processed by the drone photographs in the stands where height, crown diameter (Cd), crown area (Ca) and diameter at breast height (Dbh) were measured in the traditional way in order to validate digital information. The results of the comparison of both methods using the t-Student test indicate that the estimation of the height and Cd variable does not show significant differences (p> 0.05); however, in the rest of forest inventory variables there were significant statistical differences (p <0.01). In addition, the exponential model used to estimate the Dbh and crown diameter as a function of the height of Pinus oaxacana species was significant (R2 = 0.90 and 0.93 respectively).
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