Identification and evaluation of the risk of explosivity and fire in the service station of the GAD camp province of Pichincha
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The identification and evaluation of the risk of explosiveness and fire starts with the information of the infrastructure and areas of the Camp of the GAD Province of Pichincha, identifying the risk factor and the processes at the camp service station, with this, an evaluation is carried out through the application of 2 methodologies: NFPA and DOW. The risk assessment determined by NFPA that the service station represents a high level of repercussion not tolerable for the Camp; the risk assessment by DOW determined the existence of an explosiveness and fire risk index of category important, since area 1 is a mixed area in which 2 fuel supply pumps are located and 2 intakes for the transfer of fuel to the tanks of catering. Additionally within the area of influence of the E/S an important socio-environmental scenario is evidenced, by the presence of the Blanco River, vegetation cover and property adjoining private, in the event of a major accident, given by the fire-explosion risk index that would produce fuel spill, with knowledge of the radius and area of exposure, a synergistic effect would be generated in the environment Therefore, an evaluation was carried out based on Leopold methodology which resulted in a critical level environmental impact for soil and water resources (section of the Blanco River) as well as for fauna and landscaping, of severe level for the flora resource and adjoining property north and finally moderate level for air quality and ornithofauna.
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