Evaluation of ion concentration effect in low salinity water injection applied in the Oriente basin of Ecuador: reservoir simulation results
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the ions concentration in the oil recovery when low salinity water injection (LSW) is applied in the Basal Tena sandstone, lower U sandstone, lower T sandstone and Upper Hollín sandstone, which are reservoirs of the Oriente Basin of Ecuador. LSW incidence in the oil recovery factor was contrasted with two scenarios, which were natural production and conventional water injection. The first step is to interpretate petrophysical properties of the information available from studies of cores and electrical logs of type wells of the 4 reservoirs. The next step is to define the number of layers of the simulation model based on the heterogeneity of each reservoir. On the other hand, the analysis and validation of the PVT data of each sand was carried out to verify that the samples are representative, and the values of the fluid properties are consistent, then the mathematical fluid models were adjusted. Thus, we got a good fit between the experimental and theorical values. Additionally, an analysis of the rock-fluid properties was carried out where the relative permeability curves were normalized. For the construction of the dynamic models, all the previously mentioned data were incorporated. Furthermore, initial conditions and the wells for each one of the reservoirs were added. Physicochemical properties of the formation water and the injection water were included to simulate LSW technique. Finally, we built a LSW sensitivity cases, which included a variation of the ion’s concentration in the formation and injection water. LSW, conventional water injection and natural production results were comparate. The results show the oil recover factor is better with low salinity water injection. The most favorable scenario shows that the recovery factor increases approximately 6%, compared to the secondary recovery project with conventional water injection.
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